Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Obligatory Introduction


I guess an intro post would be appropriate. So hello there, my name is Kate...nice to meet you. I am a mid-20s, white, transsexual, lesbian-identified queer. I am one vegetarian, tattooed, feisty-ass, riotdyke. Here are my tranny stats: I was assigned male at birth; my sex is currently in transition to female; I have been transitioning for roughly 2 years now; my gender is woman; my pronouns are she, her, hers; my gender presentation is soft-andro-butch; my sexual inclination is towards the rougher side of sex (a.k.a. BDSM, kink); and my sexual orientation, as I mentioned, is lesbian-identified queer. This last part may be confusing to some but it simply means that I sleep with most anyone that floats my boat (male, female, cis, trans, other, neither, both, etc) but my primary emotional commitments are to women-identified folks.

So that's me & this is my blog. It's about transsexuality. And, no, this is not your regular ole tranny-blog-bitch-fest. I'm not talking about transsexuality in the DSM-IV sense of the word. Rather, I am talking about trans-peoples-sexualities; as in, how transsexual, transgender, and genderqueer people relate (or don't) to our sexualities. I'm concerned with questions of representation, appropriation, and, of course, pure sexiness :P

This is stuff I've been thinking about for quite a while now. I mean, whenever I see some documentary about trans people, it's always the same narrative:

When did you first know? How did you family react to your coming out? What about your friends? What does hormone replacement therapy (HRT) do to your body? How about sex reassignment surgery (SRS)?

Now, I want to be clear, these are all fine and dandy questions, but, when it's the only thing out there, I can't help but start to question things? See, to me, these questions are a good starting point for education about trans realities but that's all they should be: a starting point. To be certain watching documentaries like Southern Comfort, the TransGeneration series, and You Don't Know Dick, helped me to solidify my own identity. They are a good educational tool for the general non-trans (cis) public, as well as, trans people in questioning/experimenting phases.

However, the problem is that when the vast, vast, vast majority of the trans films never extend beyond those introductory questions. For example, I'd love to watch a film and see the documentarian ask these questions:

What gets you off? What gets turns you on? What do you find triggering about sex? What's your relationship to BDSM? How do you negotiate consent? How do you talk about body parts that (may) feel alien to you? Has the thought of losing complete sexual functioning deterred you from getting SRS?

So, I guess these are some examples of questions you'll find me addressing (or at least trying to) in this blog. Also, to spice things up, from time to time I will also post erotic stories that has trans people's pleasure as the focus.

I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing. I look forward to be hearing from you. Seriously, don't be shy, I won't bite....unless you ask me real nice and promise to call me Ma'am :)



minxyvixen said...

looking forward to reading!

Anonymous said...

Cool stuff! Very interesting topic and I look forward to reading more. Hope it's ok if I link to you.

Bill Jesdale said...

That movie you're looking for, check out Luke Woodward's Enough Man. It may not get into everything you're looking for, but some of it's in there...

Eli VandenBerg said...

I know I'm commenting on a very early post, but I am glad to see someone writing about this topic! I hope you keep it up.

J.B. said...

This is awesome. I think I'm gonna follow your blog now. And LOL your name is Kate. That's such a trans dyke name for some reason. Obviously because of Kate Bornstein, but I also have a sister named Kate who is a trans dyke. So lol. and I still don't get how "lesbian-identified queer" makes any sense, but I guess I'll find out when I read this blog more.